BH TK1 Black Zone's Alicia Chinn STDsdc
Basic information
- Australian shepherd, female
- Born 30.04.2008, Sweden
- Rip 07.08.2016 due to cancer
- Red tricolor, long tail
- Breeder: Kennel Black Zone, Isabelle Lundstedt
- Owner: Shanti Karinen, Helsinki, Finland
- ASCA & FCI registered
- Height: 51cm
- Weight: 17kg
- Hips: A/A
- Elbows: 0/0
- Eyes: healthy as a pup & last in 02/14
- Back: unofficially healthy
- All teeth, correct bite
- Sire: WTCH Rising Sun's Qwick Draw RTDcs "Qwick"
- Dam: PT LP1 KORAD Chaboo's Flashes of Fame STDs "Fame"
- 1. litter in kennel Black Zone's (Sweden) 16.11.2012
- 2. pentue kennel Red'n Ready 10.06.2014
Dracu was put to sleep in August 2016 because of malignant cancer of the mammary glands. Dracu was only 8 years old at the time.
Dracu is a bitch I imported from Sweden in summer 2008 when she was 8 weeks old. I went to see the breeder Isabelle, dam Fame and the 6-week-old puppies before making a decision and fell in love with this little red girl. In my opinion she was the most secure, active and social bitch and I told Isabelle I must have this little girl. Luckily Isabelle trusted me with Dracu and two weeks later I brought her home. I had big hopes for Dracu to become a good dog for all different dog sports like agility, obedience, working dog trials (tracking, search, rapport etc.) and herding, and she has met them very well. Her pedigree is a very nice mix of pure working line aussies from Hanging tree and her father has proved to be a excellent herding dog. Dracu's mom is a very nice all-around bitch with a mixture on versatile line aussies like Fairoaks and Diamond Aire behind her. She is a intense and willing working dog with good herding abilities. Dracu's name is short from Dracula - a name I came up with after Dracu sank her fangs into my flesh at age 6 weeks and left a nice mark on my hand and in my heart.
Dracu has really turned out a dream come true - she is everything I wanted in my new dog and more! She is the perfect dog for me in every way: she is very active but not hyperactive. Even though she loves to work, Dracu is a dog with good nerves and she is perfectly happy just being home with us. She had a few months of only short walks on the lead with no training due to a ligament injury and she was as happy as ever. She has an amazing focus and does not notice anything else when we train. She is very easily motivated, loves food and toys a lot but she is also happy to just work for me without reward. She has never had any motivation problems at trials because there is no reward. Dracu is very affectionate towards people she knows and friendly but a bit reserved twords people who she doesn't know. She has a guarding instinct that is quite strong but it might very well be learned behavior from Dante... But she showed a lot of courage in her mentality test when being threatened and I'm positive she would defend me to any lengths. But Dracu is the most affectionate dog and loves to get as close as possible to people and grin her own special grin. Dracu is not bothered by loud noises, odd placed etc. I have never seen her pressured and she takes pressure from me very well. If I'm hard on her she will just try to work better and harder. She is not the most dog social of dogs, she does not bother other dogs if they don't bother her. She would never start a fight, but she will let the other dog know that she does not want to socialize.
Dracu's health has been generally very good. She has no problems with her stomach (unless you count the numerous times she stole something inedible with Dante and suffered the consequences) and no allergies. Her fur is always shiny and she has not had eye infections etc. She has been x-rayed pretty thoroughly and has good hips, elbows, back, knees etc. The only problem we have had was a accident she had in late 2008 when she hurt her left back leg. She limped it for a few weeks and we went to check it. The vet thought it was probably only a mild strain (she and Dante like to play rough...) and gave us pain medicine and told to keep her in rest for a few weeks. Well, she kept limping after exercise so we went back. Now we took a x-ray and there was some liquid in her knee. We got more meds and rest. In early spring I took her to a orthopedics specialist who diagnosed her with possible knee ligament damage. Because it was pretty mild, she is young and small the vet recommended we try to get her better without a huge operation. We spent the whole spring doing a tight exercise program and by summer I thought she was ok. We started doing a bit of light agility, I started keeping Dracu off the lead etc. But still I thought her movements were not normal. When we checked her hips and elbows in September the vet examined her knee as well. She found pain and we got a strong medicine for infection. We started doing regular fysiotherapy but in 2011 she was limping again and had her knee operated in the spring. Two months of rehabilitation and she was doing agility. Two years later she is still 100% good, let's hope everything will be fine for the rest of her life!
Dracun kanssa harrastetaan tällä hetkellä pääasiassa tokoa ja agilitya. Tokossa Dracu on innokas ja kuuliainen, ja sitä onkin ollut helppo viedä eteenpäin nopeasti. Se ei ota paineita häiriöistä tai palkkaamattomuudesta, joka tekee siitä myös mukavan kisakoiran. Se jaksaa keskittyä hyvin myös minun kamaliin "pilkunviilaussessioihin" ja mammuttipitkiin treeneihin eikä Dracu ikinä kyllästy toistoihin. Agilityssa Dracu puolestaan äärimmäisen kiihkeä ja nopea. Se lukee rataa paljon ja irtoaa hyvin kauemmaskin. Vaikka Dracu on muutenkin aika kova aussienertuksi, on se harvinaisen selvää agilityssa. Dracu on rämäyttänyt keinun ties kuinka monta kertaa ihan hirveällä voimalla alas ja hypännyt reinun kehyksiä päin ties kuinka usein eikä se kyllä koskaan ota opikseen ;) Draculla on hyvä hyppytekniikka ja se on fysiikaltaan muutenkin agilityyn liki täydellinen; kompakti, pitkät jalat sekä hyvin atleettinen rakenne. Tokon ja agilityn lisäksi olemme kokeilleet jonkin verran mm. paimennusta sekä jäljestystä. Paimennuksessa Dracu osoitti lupaavuutta, mutta koska aussien kanssa paimennusmahdollisuudet ovat tällä hetkellä Suomessa niin heikot on laji jäänyt ainakin toistaiseksi. PK-lajit ovat myöskin saaneet ainakin tällä hetkellä jäädä pois sillä keskityn Dracun kanssa mielummin kunnolla muutamaan lajiin kuin teen pikkaisen kaikkea.
Dracu on ollut periaatteessa ihan perusterve koira. Sillä ei ole ilmennyt mitään allergioita ja vatsa ei mene kyllä mistään sekaisin. Silmätulehduksia ei ole ollut eikä muitakaan tauteja. Neljäkuisena Dracu ontui hieman jalkojaan, mutta vaihtelevasti eri jalkoja joten nämä voidaan aika turvallisesti selittää kasvukivuilla, Dracu kun kasvoi tosi nopeasti juuri noihin aikoihin. Dracu alkoi ontua vasenta takajalkaansa aika reippaasti aina rasituksen jälkeen seitsemänkuisena ja eläinlääkärillä röntgenkuvasimme sen takapään. Lonkat tulivat siinä samalla "välikuvattua", olivat tiiviit ja siistit. Kaikki muukin oli juuri kuin pitää, polvesta löytyi nestettä joten lopullinen diagnoosi oli polvenivelen venähdys/revähdys. Kuitenkaan jalka ei tullut ajallaan kuntoon, joten kävimme ortopedilla Aistissa tutkimassa jalkaa uudestaan. Diagnoosiksi tuli epäilty osittainen etusirtisiteen revähdys. Keskustelimme asiasta pitkään ja päätimme olla leikkaamatta jalkaa ja katsoa paranisisiko se itsestään. Syksyn 2009 virallisten terveystutkimusten yhteydessä tutkimme jalan ja vieläkin sieltä löytyi muutoksia joten kävimme koko talven vesiterapiassa ja keväällä 2010. Jalka kuitenkin alkoi todella vaivaamaan yllättäen maaliskuussa 2011. Kävimme Espoon Eläinsairaalassa ortopedi Jan Räihällä, joka epäili hyvin vahvasti, että polven ristiside on osittain hajalla, ja siitä aina irtoaa yksittäisiä säikeitä = seuraa ontumista ja sitten jalka kompensoi ja ontuminen loppuu kunnes uusi säie irtoaa. Näin ollen tuo jalka ei ikinä paranisi levolla, vaan raspaantuisi vaan kunnes lopulta katkeaisi kokonaan. Ainoa hoitokeino leikkaus. Räihä sitten operoi Dracun jalan 6.4.2011 TTA-tekniikalla ja jalka parani todella nopeasti 100%. Olemme voineet jatkaa täyspainoisen harrastuskoiran elämää. Jan Räihä myös vakuutti, että Dracun vaiva oli aivan varmasti traumaperäinen, eikä sen pitäisi vaikuttaa sen käyttöön jalostuskoirana.
Dracun sukutaulu

Pedigree of:Black Zones Alicia Chinn STDsRed C/W F=5.51% F S43341/2008 4/30/2008 | WTCH Rising Suns Qwick Draw RTDcs DNA-VP Red Merle AS-18746G27M-NOPI F=21.40% E116730 DL88488507 6/30/2001 | WTCH Hangin Tree Dude PATDcs RD RTDcs DNA-CP Red Merle C/W AS-8698G33M F=31.67% E61004 DL81203401 8/16/1992 | Hangin' Tree Spook OTDc STDds DNA-CP E50739 DL57402501 | WTCH Hangin' Tree Working Blue RDX |
Slash V Cherry Cola | ||||
Hangin' Tree Roja E50740 DL57402502 | WTCH Hangin' Tree Working Blue RDX | |||
Slash V Cherry Cola | ||||
WTCH Pincie Creek Cherry Sota RTDc DNA-VP Red W AS-10830G26F-T F=11.28% E73833 DL57851109 2/19/1995 | WTCH Hangin' Tree Blue Bear DNA-CP CD PATDcs RD RTDcs E53420 DL48489301 | WTCH Hangin' Tree Black Bear PATDc RTDcs RDg DNA-CP | ||
Hangin' Tree Cinnamon Teal STDc OTDds | ||||
Ricinda Reba of Pincie Creek STDcds E60995 DL50915601 | Hangin' Tree Partner STDcds | |||
Slash V Cherry Cola | ||||
Chaboos Flashes of Fame STDs
Black C/W RF F=2.33% S61132/2002 11/12/2002 | Mr Binks Fairoaks Drum Boogie Red Merle C/W F=18.83% S44989/95 2/22/1995 | Ch Starstuffs Still Crazy CD STDds E25705 DL46966801 | Ch Manchado Crazy Horse CDX STDc OTDds | |
Ch Manchado Chili Pepper | ||||
Fairoaks Sami Jo DL46301402 S44620/95 | Fairoaks Atreyu STDd OTDcs DNA-CP | |||
Boot Hills Ronita of Fairoaks | ||||
Crofter Holdings Crimson Chat Black C/W F=15.67% S54620/98 10/18/1998 | Ch Diamond Aire Big Deal CD OTDds DNA-CP E39340 DL47017601 | Ch Dealer of Windsor | ||
Diamond Aire Lace Mantilla | ||||
Bluefires Ice Dancer DNA-CP HI111316 S17707/96 | Bearjays Mickey | |||
Bluefires Little Firedancer |