Red'n Ready Eye Of The Storm
Finnish Herding Champion FI PVA-TS
Finnish Agility Champion FI AVA
Basic info
- Australian shepherd, bitch
- Born 12.08.2019 in Finland
- Red with white, long tail
- Breeder: Kennel Red'n Ready
- Owner: Shanti Karinen & Maiju Livio
- FCI & ASCA registered
- Height: 52 cm
- Weight: 18 kg
- Hips: A/A
- Elbows: 0/0
- Back: LTV0 VA0 (normal)
- All teeth, normal bite
- Eyes checked healthy 09/2019 (puppy) & 11/2022, other eye operated out due to injury
- MyDogDNA: full panel free incl. HSF4-free, MDR1-free, CEA-free, PRA-PRCD-free, DM-free
- competes in agility class 3, Finnish Agility Champion FI AVA
- ASCA agility title GS-N GS-O RS-N RS-O
- has passed FCI Traditional Style Natural Herding Aptitude Test (FCI NHAT) in summer 2020
- has passed FCI Traditional Style Herding Working Test (FCI HWT) in fall 2020
- competes in FCI herding class 3 (title Finnish Herding Champion)
- ASCA herding started and open sheep titles STDs OTDs, started ducks title STDd and one Q started cattle and open ducks
- Finnish mentality test passed with +172 points
- Show result EXC (excellent)
- Sire: Tucker Creek's Special Ticket "Linus"
- Dam: Black Zone's Grand Jury "Wicca"
- >>> Loitsu in Finnish database
Loitsu is the puppy that was never supposed to stay at home. She was born healthy but had an awful accident at age of 4,5 weeks. She had to be rushed to the vet in the middle of the night for emergency surgery to remove her other eye and it was just the most traumatic thing to happen for us all. For weeks she needed special attention and care and of course we just could not bare to sell her to a pet home because who would want a one-eyed puppy if they wanted to do sports? So we decided she would stay with us with her sister Noita so she could have the best possible active and wonderful life.
Loitsu is the wild one from the pair. She is always in a hurry and loves to play and run with other dogs. She is less interested in other people or strangers than Noita, but is very loving to her own people. She loves to snuggle, we call her our snuggle bug. Loitsu loves to play tug and chase a toy, and she is not too worried if she grabs the toy or your hand. She is super motivated in focused in training, and is doing agility without problems. Her future will also include herding, rally and obedience.
Loitsu means spell in finnish, and this beautiful red girl has sure cast us under her spell. I can't help but still feel bad about her losing her eye, but in some way I am grateful that we got to keep her due to it because she is just an amazing dog! I look forward to seeing her grow up & maybe have puppies of her own some day.
Loitsu's Pedigree
Banner picture: Maiju Livio
Other pictures: Maiju Livio, Sonja Löfgren
Page content: Shanti Karinen