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We had an ASCA week with three days of agility and 4 days of herding!
In ASCA agility we got the following results:
Maaru got titles Jumping Standard-Open JS-O and Gambler Standard-Open GS-O
Noita got titles Jumping Standard-Novice JS-N and Gambler Standard-Novice GS-N and Q10 in regular novice and 1 Q in gambler novice
Loitsu got title Gambler Standard-Novice GS-N and Q15 on regular novice, Q on open gambler
Yuffie (RR Happily Ever After) got titles Jumping Standard-Novice JS-N, Gambler Standard-Novice GS-N and Regulars Standard-Novice RS-N
in ASCA herding our team got the following results:
Maaru competed in started cattle with 2 Q's of 74 points, unfortunately same judge so no title but HIT Started ribon. Also we qualified in open ducks and open sheep, no titles yet for those
Noita competed in started sheep with 2 Q's of 82 and 85 points, no title. Also started ducks with no Q with 63 points.
Loitsu competed once in started sheep with Q of 80 points
Rio (RR Tale As Old As Time) competed once in started sheep with Q of 86 points
Yuffie (RR Happily Ever After) competed once in started sheep with Q of 69 points
Vimma had an ultrasound to confirm that we will have spring puppies. Due date is 17th of May!
Also Vimma's sister had a litter at kennel Ounou yesterday with 9 puppies; 5 boys and 4 girls!

Vimma has been inseminated last week with Royal's AI and she will have her ultrasound on the 9th of April. Fingers crossed for spring/summer puppies!
Fairytale-litter turned 1 year old this month and have all been health checked already with great results! Thanks to all the amazing, active owners <3
All have healthy hips, elbows, 4 were OCD checked healthy and 3 were knee checked too. Backs were also all screened for LTV and VA, all were clear of LTV and 1 had slight VA changes VA1.
There are lots of results from our "Red'n Ready team" that I have not written here in the english web page. Here are some highlights:
Vimma (RR FBI Most Wanted) has had an amazing agility year and she became dual Agility Champion in FCI agility! She is now Jumping Champion (FI AVA-H) and Agility Champion (FI AVA)!
Rauha (RR Armed And Dangerous) had an amazing trial day with 3 clean victory runs and moved up to the highest class in agility! They have also gotten their first clear runs in class 3!
Pekko (RR Criminal Mastermind) is competing in class 2 and got his first clear run in that class with a victory. Two more to go for class 3.
Aina (RR Partner In Crime) is competing in class 2 and got her first clear run in that class with a victory. Two more to go for class 3.
Riepu (RR Cosmic Latte) has started his agility trial career this fall and is already competing in class 2 after three clear victory runs in class 1.
Also Riemu (RR Speed Of Light) & Retku (RR Big Bang) have both started their trial career in class 1
Vimma (RR FBI Most Wanted) competed first time in FCI class 2 with a great run 88/100 points, very good, 1st place and new title PAIM2
Kipp (RR Solar Storm) competed first time in FCI class 2 with a qualifying run but no title this time. But a great first trial year for this young boy!
Wicca (BZ Grand Jury) competed in class 2 with a "very good" 80/100 points and as he already has the PAIM2 title we did not get it again
Riepu (RR Cosmic Latte) started his trial career in FCI herding "class" Herding Working Test (FCI HWT) with a qualifying run 77/100 points and got the title FCI HWT (PAIM-E)
Noita (RR Chaos And Mayhem) started her trial career in FCI herding "class" Herding Working Test (FCI HWT) with a qualifying run 77/100 points and got the title FCI HWT (PAIM-E)
Pekko (RR Criminal Mastermind) started his trial career in FCI herding "class" Herding Working Test (FCI HWT) with a qualifying run 77/100 points and got the title FCI HWT (PAIM-E)
FCI Natural Herding Aptitude Test (FCI NHAT)
Following dogs have entered and passed this summer/fall:
Noita (RR Chaos And Mayhem)
Eino (RR Total Destruction)
Loitsu (RR Eye Of The Storm)
Yuffie (RR Happily Ever After)
Vaihe (RR Once Upon A Time)
Tira (RR Neverending Story)
Rio (RR Tale As Old As Time)
Kipp (RR Solar Storm)
Obedience / rally-obedience:
Wicca (BZ Grand Jury) has been competing this fall in rally-o 1st class with two great results 98/100 and 100/100 points and new title RTK1 and moving up to class 2. We also started in class 2 and got 96/100 points.
Riemu (RR Speed Of Light) has also been competing this fall in rally-o 1st class with two great results 98/100 and 100/100 points and new title RTK1 and moving up to class 2!
Huisa (RR Doomsday Countdown) has started her obedience career in class 1 with two trials. In the 2nd trial she got 193/200 points, 1st place and can move up to class 2!
Yuffie (RR Happily Ever After) has started her trial career also with a bang in rally-o class 1 with two trials and 97/100 and 100/100 points!
Catastrophy-litter has been health checked in the end of summer when they turn 1 year with pretty much perfect results:
Noita hips A/B, elbows 0/0, back LTV0 VA0 (normal) and OCD-free
Loitsu hips A/A, elbows 0/0, back LTV0 VA0 (normal) and OCD-free
Sheya hips A/A, elbows 0/0, back LTV0 VA0 (normal) and OCD-free
Cinna hips A/B, elbows 0/0, back LTV0 VA0 (normal) and OCD-free
Huisa hips A/A, elbows 0/0, back LTV0 VA0 (normal) and OCD-free
Eino hips B/B, elbows 0/0, back LTV0 VA0 (normal) and OCD-free
Katla hips A/A, elbows 0/0, back LTV1 VA0 (slight changes) and OCD-free
Sheya also had eye check in summer and got healthy papers!
Maaru's puppies were born on Saturday 17th of October! We have two red tricolor girls and one red merle boy. Puppies and mom are all doing great!
All puppies are spoken for.

Ultrasound has confirmed that Maaru will have puppies in middle of October! Read more about the cross at the Puppies-page. We are not taking any more puppy inquiries for this litter at the moment.
Last weekend we had a FCI herding trial with some great results!
Maaru (Origine II My Kind Of Trouble) did class 1 with 96/100 points, excellent and she moved up to class 2!
Vimma (RR FBI Most Wanted) also competed in class 1 with 98/100 points, excellent and she moved up to class 2!
Kipp (RR Solar Storm) started his trialing career with a bang, first doing the herding working test (so called pre-trial test) with 92/100 points and excellent with title PAIM-E/HWT TS.
Next day Kipp started in class 1 with 94/100 points, excellent and she moved up to class 2!!!
My co-owned female Sysi (Ruff'n' Tuff Black Betty) was officially x-rayed yesterday and today we already got the great results:
Hips A/A
Elbows 0/0 (normal)
Back LTV0 VA0 (normal)
So happy that she is 100% healthy!

Team Red'n Ready had a great competition weekend!
Leia, Vimma and Nitti from Criminal-litter (Wicca x Rango) competed in an obedience trial;
Leia and Nitti in the 1st class, Vimma in 2nd class. Leia got 195,5/200 points and 1st place, Nitti got 195/200 points and 2nd place! Vimma got 291,5/320 points and 2nd place. All three get to move up a class now, good job!
In agility the weekend was also a success for our gang;
Pekko (Red'n Ready Criminal Mastermind) was in a fci agility competition, got one clear run and gets to compete in fci class 2 next!
Aina (Red'n Ready Partner In Crime) started her official agility career in sL1-class getting one clear run with class win.
Maaru (Origine II My Kind Of Trouble) also did some agility yesterday with me in class 2, we got 2 clean runs and won the classes. One more and she can go to highest class.

Wicca had her litter on 12.08.2019, 6 girls and 1 boy! Everybody is happy and healthy and we love them all to the moon and back. Pictures by Anne Barck, more in instagram and facebook.

Wicca has started her heat! We will hopefully travel to Austria next week to meet Linus ;)
In other news, my own dogs & bred dogs have done some great results in competitons this spring/summer. Here are some highlights:
Wicca competes now in class 3 (highest class) of agility, and has got her first class win to become an agility champion. She also got a apporved result in FCI traditional style herding class 2 and new title PAIM2. In ASCA herding Wicca got open sheep title OTDs.
Taika has competed in ASCA herding last weekend and got a new title in started ducks STDd and also one leg for open ducks.
Maaru has also competed in herding this spring, first in FCI herding class 1 with 88/100 points and a new title PAIM1. In ASCA herding she did two runs and got started sheep STDs-title.
On Monday Tinki (Red'n Ready Pocahontas) competed in agility class 1, did a zero-point run and won her class! Congratulations Päivi and Tinki, we look forward to your competition career!
This weekend's competition scores are from Leia (Red'n Ready Diamond Thief) and Jedi (Red'n Ready Divine Hercules), who participated in their first ever rally obedience trial! Both had one start in class 1, Jedi scored an awesome 100/100 points and 1st place. Leia made one small mistake but still got a great 90/100 and a qualifying score for both. Congratulations to Anne for the great scores with her duo!

Taika and Maaru competed again in agility last weekend. Taika did two disqualified runs, but Maaru won one difficult class 1 course with 5 points and came second with a zero-point run in the other! Maaru has now competed in three trials and already gotten two zeros :) Congratulations to Maaru and Melissa!
Below a video of Maaru's runs this weekend.
Last weekend was full of agility competitions! On Saturday Taika and Maaru both did a couple of runs at Hyvinkää, Taika got 2x 5 points and won both courses, Maaru got two good disqualified runs. Wicca ran her first competition in class 3 in Lohja. No clear runs yet, but was so cool to be competing in class 3 again!
Vimma (Red'n Ready FBI Most Wanted) was responsible for the clear runs this weekend, since she got her second zero-point win in class 2! Congratulations - soon she'll join Wicca in class 3.
Viivi had her ultrasound and unfortunately there were no puppies to be seen. This is now the second time Viivi did not get pregnant, I am not sure if we will try to breed her a third time or not. Now we turn our focus on Wicca's upcoming litter for the summer.
On Saturday I competed with Wicca in class 2 at an agility trial in Sipoo, and we got a zero-point win from two runs, 2 qualifying scores and moved to the highest class! Great to be finally competing in class 3 again!
On Sunday Maaru compated for the first time in agility in Ojanko with Melissa. First two runs were good training, because from the third one they did a zero-point run and ended up in third place!

Viivi has been bred successfully in Kannus just before Christmas with Pizu, and we are hoping for a litter for end of February. Ultra sound will be on Friday 18.1 to see if there will be puppies!
Vimma (Red'n Ready FBI Most Wanted) and her owner Lotta competed first time in obedience class 1. They did an amazing course with almost full points; 196/200 points! With this they won the class and got judge's "honor prize".
Year 2018 is coming to an end, and we would like to thank all our puppy owners and everybody else who has helped to make this such an great year! Now we turn our gazes to next year, to our future puppy plans and other adventures to come! I hope you all a great 2019!
Banner: Anne Barck Photography
Content: Shanti Karinen